Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Anastassja, Aurelia and Emily Pepper were discussing their Christmas wishes this afternoon. Anastassja really wanted some angel wings so she can run around playing Christmas angel and bring smiles to peoples hearts and remind them that the truly important things in life are always here right now, with us, in our hearts. Aurelia wanted a pretty Holiday dress in vibrant colours, so she hopped in the shop and picked her favourite. She loves to sing Christmas Carols and the magic in the air when walking through the neighbourhood of a night time with all the sparkly lights on. Emily Pepper of course had to laugh at them and say her favourite part are the awesome gifts she gets, she is really hoping for a skate board so she can get to her friend's place faster. Oh Emily, your future Mumma has a handful to deal with and probably lots of knee holes to mend in your pants.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Kiyomi will be available at this month's "For the love of dolls" upload and the rainbow sisters are November customs. Kiyomi's eyes are different to anything I have ever done before. I was inspired by the cute japanese Kawaii girls and fabrics of her dress. I loved making this colourful little girl. She nurtured my pink deprivation lol.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
I think I kind of have a thing for wise sayings, insightful stories, little reminders along the way of life to stop and smell the roses. Little reminders to make me listen more instead of talking more. Little reminders to look, really look, instead of passing by and assuming I already now everything about the place and the people I am with.
The book "Le Petit Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupery (I do not have the fancy "e" on my keyboard) is one of those books. I first read it in french class at school. I did not understand a lot then as I was so busy trying to learn the vocabulary and translating French words into German words.
Now I am reading it again with a new understanding and I can relate to it in a new way and I love it.
Just like Momo, he has a animal friend, the fox (le renard) and a flower, a rose.
Maybe you feel like taking this little book and have it by your night table as well. I promise, it will make you go to sleep with a smile on your face :)
Theresa xx
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
This month's For The Love of dolls upload doll is Momo inspired.
She is my Mama's favourite book character and I am sure she inspired her to be such a sweet, understanding, supportive, conscious and kind mum to have.
She is a wise little one and I highly recommend to read the book by Michael Ende or watch the movie.
More pictures here.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
On Inspiration, Imitation, Irritation and Gratitude
This post is inspired by Alex of Angelique Angels and Monika of Vergissmeinnicht Kuss who wrote some beautiful Facebook posts giving credit to the artists they have been inspired by on their creative path.
There is a lot of talk about Inspiration, Imitation (Copyright, Idea Stealing, Copying other Artist's items and ideas etc.) in the Handmade community.
I think I am absolutely guilty of being inspired by my fellow dollmakers art and by other artists all over the internet.
I spend a lot of time admiring the beautiful items they make and I find myself spending 1 hour and more instead of "a quick look" on the internet.
I am sure I am influenced by the wonderful things I see. I see something and some spark in me becomes alive and an idea forms, becomes clearer and clearer in my mind and eventually I watch my hands bringing it to life.
My customers inspire me. Their visions and ideas challenge me to get out of my comfort zone and try something new.
I am also inspired by beautiful boys and girls I see in the streets, I am inspired by children I got to know by looking after them intensely when they were little, I am inspired by characters I read about in story books or watch in movies. I am inspired by nature, by memories from my childhood.... I am inspired by life.
When I started learning to sew I even almost copied some things, just so I could have something to compare it with, so I could see whether I succeeded in making something. I am reminded of painters who train their skills by copying ancient masters' techniques and colour schemes, expressions etc.
Where it becomes a bit distasteful is when you copy something and claim it is uniquely yours or say you invented it or build a brand based on stealing someone else's thunder.
Don't sell yourself short, trust in your own imagination and endless pool of creativity. By copying someone else you might be missing out on the incredible ideas you would otherwise come up with all by yourself. What captures my heart most, is when I see someone create something that comes directly from them, out of the depths of their mind/ soul/ heart. Same goes for what I make. When I have a deep connection with it, it often is my best work/ doll.
I trust that the right people find me, I trust that the customers who are drawn to me will love what I do. I trust that I always get the exact business I need and can handle.
I learn, I grow and I apologize to everyone who has the feeling I stole an idea off them or are a little bit too much inspired by their incredible artist work.
I also might forget to give credit where credit is due when I am so emerged in my process that I forget where my inspiration came from originally. Please forgive me for that.
I am striving to be original, unique and I am working towards finding myself in my art and work more and more.
Sometimes I have to learn who I am not, before I can find myself.
I have been trying to make a short list of people and pages who I am most inspired by, but I realize I interact with so many wonderful people in online world, that I better mention almost everyone I came across as I am sure they left their mark in the inspiration part of my brain in one way or another ;)
Here is a (ever growing) list of people and websites I am or have been inspired by (in alphabetical order):
Angelique Angels. Alexandra to me is royalty in doll couture making.
Amy Butler. Her colourful fabrics and free online tutorials helped me make beautiful quilts.
Bamboletta. I love you girls. I might not have picked up this art if the frustration of not being able to cart one of your cuties had not inspired me to make dolls for myself.
Bumbabeena Dolls. I love these sweet dolls created by the wonderful Reena.
Byron Katie. My light in the dark. The work that brings me back to me every. single. time.
Chalbaby. Chaldea is making the cutest african babies. My daughter has several in her room xx
This post is inspired by Alex of Angelique Angels and Monika of Vergissmeinnicht Kuss who wrote some beautiful Facebook posts giving credit to the artists they have been inspired by on their creative path.
I think I am absolutely guilty of being inspired by my fellow dollmakers art and by other artists all over the internet.
I spend a lot of time admiring the beautiful items they make and I find myself spending 1 hour and more instead of "a quick look" on the internet.
I am sure I am influenced by the wonderful things I see. I see something and some spark in me becomes alive and an idea forms, becomes clearer and clearer in my mind and eventually I watch my hands bringing it to life.
My customers inspire me. Their visions and ideas challenge me to get out of my comfort zone and try something new.
I am also inspired by beautiful boys and girls I see in the streets, I am inspired by children I got to know by looking after them intensely when they were little, I am inspired by characters I read about in story books or watch in movies. I am inspired by nature, by memories from my childhood.... I am inspired by life.
When I started learning to sew I even almost copied some things, just so I could have something to compare it with, so I could see whether I succeeded in making something. I am reminded of painters who train their skills by copying ancient masters' techniques and colour schemes, expressions etc.
Where it becomes a bit distasteful is when you copy something and claim it is uniquely yours or say you invented it or build a brand based on stealing someone else's thunder.
Don't sell yourself short, trust in your own imagination and endless pool of creativity. By copying someone else you might be missing out on the incredible ideas you would otherwise come up with all by yourself. What captures my heart most, is when I see someone create something that comes directly from them, out of the depths of their mind/ soul/ heart. Same goes for what I make. When I have a deep connection with it, it often is my best work/ doll.
I trust that the right people find me, I trust that the customers who are drawn to me will love what I do. I trust that I always get the exact business I need and can handle.
I learn, I grow and I apologize to everyone who has the feeling I stole an idea off them or are a little bit too much inspired by their incredible artist work.
I also might forget to give credit where credit is due when I am so emerged in my process that I forget where my inspiration came from originally. Please forgive me for that.
I am striving to be original, unique and I am working towards finding myself in my art and work more and more.
Sometimes I have to learn who I am not, before I can find myself.
I have been trying to make a short list of people and pages who I am most inspired by, but I realize I interact with so many wonderful people in online world, that I better mention almost everyone I came across as I am sure they left their mark in the inspiration part of my brain in one way or another ;)
Here is a (ever growing) list of people and websites I am or have been inspired by (in alphabetical order):
Angelique Angels. Alexandra to me is royalty in doll couture making.
Amy Butler. Her colourful fabrics and free online tutorials helped me make beautiful quilts.
Bamboletta. I love you girls. I might not have picked up this art if the frustration of not being able to cart one of your cuties had not inspired me to make dolls for myself.
Bumbabeena Dolls. I love these sweet dolls created by the wonderful Reena.
Byron Katie. My light in the dark. The work that brings me back to me every. single. time.
Chalbaby. Chaldea is making the cutest african babies. My daughter has several in her room xx
Debs Steiner Dolls. Deb makes beautiful dolls and toys xx
Em&Femme Designs. Ilja's colour happy clothing is just so inspiring and beautiful.
Emily Moon Dolls. Lana's dolls are simply magical.
Etsy. Browsing on Etsy is like browsing the collective mind of all artists and creations possible. Love it!
Fairytea. Love her creations!!
Fairywooldolls. Gabi's tutorial took away the fear of using wefts for my dolls hair.
Fabric Sellers. Lots and lots of fabrics. I browse online and ideas pop in my head about what to make with it.
Farbenmix. A website of endless inspiration and tutorials who helped me get started in my sewing adventures.
Fig&Me. Fabs' dolls are just magical.
Glimmer Row Doll Boutique. Lindsey's dolls are real works of art and she is so generous and supportive.
Gudrun Sjoeden. I wish I could wear exclusively her fashion all year round.
Heikeleien. I squeee when I see these cute dollies.
H&Elle. Sam's dolls have such sweet faces and I love their clothes.
Ida Bohatta. Her endearing paintings and stories will forever make my heart sing.
Inviting Play. Julie's imagination seems to be endless and it is so beautiful what she creates.
Jem of Mine. Emma's dolls have these sweet faces that I am drawn to every. single. time. So gorgeous!
Katwise. Kat is such an amazing artist. Her upcycle dream coats floor me every time.
Lali Dolls. Jennifer's tutorial saved me from ruining my hands while sewing TLS.
Lief Monster. Wendy is a wonderful artist. her dolls and knit work and witches and angels are beautiful.
Little Jenny Wren. I love Jenny's sweet innocence and dreamy expressions.
Mariengold. Maria's dolls have so much soul and you can feel the love they have been made with.
Matilda Jane Clothing. The cutest clothes and prettiest fabrics, love the bags too.
MiaLuna. A friend in Germany whose incredible kids clothes inspired me to sew for my daughter and learn sewing!!
Moonchild Dolls. Barrie is just so amazing. I love her colours, Euro fabrics and oh the clothes!!!
Naptown Boys. I wish I had a house full of these sweet lovies created by Nikki.
Oh Juniper. I love the expressions in these sweet faces
Peperuda. Daniela is making such sweet knitted clothing and look at these faces!!
Petite Besties. The sweetest faces ever created by Kim who has the "magic touch".
Pink Petunia Cottage Dolls. Cathy's dolls are so sweet and I love love love her quilts too!
Pinterest. Just amazing. A pool of ideas and inspiration!
Pookidolls. Suzi is just a class of her own with her inventiveness and unique style.
Puppula. Zeljka's dolls are so beautiful and sweet. I love her clothing too.
Riverside Dolls. Donna's dolls are beautiful. I especially have a soft spot for the mohair wig ones.
Sarah Clemens Clothing. I adore her fashion. ADORE it.
Sarah Rickard Photography. Sarah is a great photographer and crafter. Also owner of Little Birdy Nappies.
Three Little Treasures. Peggy is just the sweetest.
Vergissmeinnicht Kuss. I love how Monika can create these personalities and their clothes rock!
Winterludes. Winter is just amazing. Her dolls are so alive and fun and sweet.
With Love, Hannah. Faydra has such a vivid imagination and incredible eye for detail.
Yarn Artists. Your work is just amazing. I would love to spend thousands on your beautiful creations.
I am sure I will add lots more....
My doll collection is quite growing here at home since discovering all these fantastic artists :)
This is just a personal point of view which might expand/ change in the future. None of my thoughts are eternal, I notice my mind changes a lot.
For more and/ or legal info, I find this blog post very interesting
The picture is taken from here.
Em&Femme Designs. Ilja's colour happy clothing is just so inspiring and beautiful.
Emily Moon Dolls. Lana's dolls are simply magical.
Etsy. Browsing on Etsy is like browsing the collective mind of all artists and creations possible. Love it!
Fairytea. Love her creations!!
Fairywooldolls. Gabi's tutorial took away the fear of using wefts for my dolls hair.
Fabric Sellers. Lots and lots of fabrics. I browse online and ideas pop in my head about what to make with it.
Farbenmix. A website of endless inspiration and tutorials who helped me get started in my sewing adventures.
Fig&Me. Fabs' dolls are just magical.
Glimmer Row Doll Boutique. Lindsey's dolls are real works of art and she is so generous and supportive.
Gudrun Sjoeden. I wish I could wear exclusively her fashion all year round.
Heikeleien. I squeee when I see these cute dollies.
H&Elle. Sam's dolls have such sweet faces and I love their clothes.
Ida Bohatta. Her endearing paintings and stories will forever make my heart sing.
Inviting Play. Julie's imagination seems to be endless and it is so beautiful what she creates.
Jem of Mine. Emma's dolls have these sweet faces that I am drawn to every. single. time. So gorgeous!
Katwise. Kat is such an amazing artist. Her upcycle dream coats floor me every time.
Lali Dolls. Jennifer's tutorial saved me from ruining my hands while sewing TLS.
Lief Monster. Wendy is a wonderful artist. her dolls and knit work and witches and angels are beautiful.
Little Jenny Wren. I love Jenny's sweet innocence and dreamy expressions.
Mariengold. Maria's dolls have so much soul and you can feel the love they have been made with.
Matilda Jane Clothing. The cutest clothes and prettiest fabrics, love the bags too.
MiaLuna. A friend in Germany whose incredible kids clothes inspired me to sew for my daughter and learn sewing!!
Moonchild Dolls. Barrie is just so amazing. I love her colours, Euro fabrics and oh the clothes!!!
Naptown Boys. I wish I had a house full of these sweet lovies created by Nikki.
Oh Juniper. I love the expressions in these sweet faces
Peperuda. Daniela is making such sweet knitted clothing and look at these faces!!
Petite Besties. The sweetest faces ever created by Kim who has the "magic touch".
Pink Petunia Cottage Dolls. Cathy's dolls are so sweet and I love love love her quilts too!
Pinterest. Just amazing. A pool of ideas and inspiration!
Pookidolls. Suzi is just a class of her own with her inventiveness and unique style.
Puppula. Zeljka's dolls are so beautiful and sweet. I love her clothing too.
Riverside Dolls. Donna's dolls are beautiful. I especially have a soft spot for the mohair wig ones.
Sarah Clemens Clothing. I adore her fashion. ADORE it.
Sarah Rickard Photography. Sarah is a great photographer and crafter. Also owner of Little Birdy Nappies.
Three Little Treasures. Peggy is just the sweetest.
Vergissmeinnicht Kuss. I love how Monika can create these personalities and their clothes rock!
Winterludes. Winter is just amazing. Her dolls are so alive and fun and sweet.
With Love, Hannah. Faydra has such a vivid imagination and incredible eye for detail.
Yarn Artists. Your work is just amazing. I would love to spend thousands on your beautiful creations.
I am sure I will add lots more....
My doll collection is quite growing here at home since discovering all these fantastic artists :)
This is just a personal point of view which might expand/ change in the future. None of my thoughts are eternal, I notice my mind changes a lot.
For more and/ or legal info, I find this blog post very interesting
The picture is taken from here.
8" Custom doll Mackenzie
She is a real trooper. This one is for a very sweet mumma in the U.S.. She had some awesome spunky ideas in order to make this little one come to life. Super fun!
The 10" sisters
are for a sweet mum and her daughters in Australia. These 2 are just so cute and I am reminded yet again that I have the best job in the world ♥
She is a real trooper. This one is for a very sweet mumma in the U.S.. She had some awesome spunky ideas in order to make this little one come to life. Super fun!
The 10" sisters
are for a sweet mum and her daughters in Australia. These 2 are just so cute and I am reminded yet again that I have the best job in the world ♥
Monday, October 7, 2013
Johnny, the Cook
This doll is for my little big brother. His birthday is coming up in a week and he let me know that he would love to have a doll made by me as well. he felt a bit neglected with my mum getting dolls and his daughters.
He asked for a chef doll. More pictures here
My brother is an amazing chef, trained as organic chef and aspiring to be a life coach and dietitian, I know he will be amazing. He is a great father to his two wonderful daughters and an incredible friend.
Love you, little bro' ♥
Pippi Polkadotstocking
is for my daughter's friend's birthday. She loves Pippi Longstocking and wants to be her ♥
More pictures here.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Island life....
It is so simple, so beautiful, so itchy with all the midgies and mosquitoes, so romantic, so playful. so free.
Today my husband and I went on a little adventure ride on our bicycles, our favourite mode of transportation here on the island. We discovered parts of the island we had not seen before, which is always very exciting.
We also did some shopping with my awesome saddle bags and saw the writing on the trees.
Oh how it was so lovely and romantic when we were young, engraving our names into trees, holding hands in the streets, demonstrating our love whenever we could :) The trees are showing me how much love there is in the world. I am grateful.
Now I am sitting here, listening to one of my favourite songs ever Batoumambe by Habib Koite, being grateful for all the loves I had and all the wonderful friends in my life.
Soon am getting ready to bake a carrot cake and later cut some fabrics for the gift dollies I finished yesterday.
See you soon xx

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Piper Wren and duck will be available in the next Dollectable stocking on Hyena Cart on the 5th of October at 7 pm EDT US time.
They are bringing lots of clothes and scarves and reversible cap etc. with them.
Let's hope they find a lovely home.
More pictures here
Monday, September 30, 2013
The simple Joys in life
Dad had promised Amina that they would make a fire the next day.
Today Amina came up to me and looked somewhat sad. It took me a while of hugging and encouraging her to tell me what the matter was until it came out that she really wanted to make a fire with dad and was a bit sad that he did not come up to her yet to take her outside. I said he might have forgotten about it, maybe you go and remember him? But she as too shy and asked me to go and ask him. I usually encourage her to go ask herself but today my heart melted and I reminded him.
Then I was asked to prepare a delicious dough for "bread-on-a-stick" and Amina helped me to prepare a herbal/ garlic butter we could eat with it.
Here is the recipe for the bread:
1 kg organic flour
2 sachets dried yeast (or 2 cubes of fresh yeast if they sell that in your country grr ;))
3.5 Tbsp Salt
3.5 Tbsp Virgin Olive Oil
500 ml lukewarm water
you could leave the oil away for less fat and add some water and you can now add garlic, cumin, any herbs you like to spice up the recipe :)
For the garlic butter, take half a butter, add 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic, chopped chives and herbal salt

For a vegan alternative, I love pumpkin dip:
1 kg butternut/ hokkaido etc. pumpkin
1 tbs olive oil extra virgin
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 tsp ground cumin
add salt and or pepper if you like
Peel and seed the pumpkin. Cut into 2cm pieces. Place in a medium saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil over medium-high heat. Boil for 5 minutes or until tender. Drain.
Wipe the pan clean. Heat the oil in the pan over medium heat. Cook the garlic and cumin for 1 minute or until aromatic. Stir in the pumpkin. Use a wooden spoon to mash. Set aside to cool. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer the dip to a serving bowl. Cover and place in the fridge to chill.
We spent a lovely late afternoon baking the bread over the fire. Some tasted really good, some was a bit blackish haha. The banana leaves made great plates. And if it weren't for the sand flies, we might have stayed out a little longer :)
Dad had promised Amina that they would make a fire the next day.
Today Amina came up to me and looked somewhat sad. It took me a while of hugging and encouraging her to tell me what the matter was until it came out that she really wanted to make a fire with dad and was a bit sad that he did not come up to her yet to take her outside. I said he might have forgotten about it, maybe you go and remember him? But she as too shy and asked me to go and ask him. I usually encourage her to go ask herself but today my heart melted and I reminded him.
Then I was asked to prepare a delicious dough for "bread-on-a-stick" and Amina helped me to prepare a herbal/ garlic butter we could eat with it.
Here is the recipe for the bread:
1 kg organic flour
2 sachets dried yeast (or 2 cubes of fresh yeast if they sell that in your country grr ;))
3.5 Tbsp Salt
3.5 Tbsp Virgin Olive Oil
500 ml lukewarm water
you could leave the oil away for less fat and add some water and you can now add garlic, cumin, any herbs you like to spice up the recipe :)
For the garlic butter, take half a butter, add 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic, chopped chives and herbal salt

For a vegan alternative, I love pumpkin dip:
1 kg butternut/ hokkaido etc. pumpkin
1 tbs olive oil extra virgin
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 tsp ground cumin
add salt and or pepper if you like
Peel and seed the pumpkin. Cut into 2cm pieces. Place in a medium saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil over medium-high heat. Boil for 5 minutes or until tender. Drain.
Wipe the pan clean. Heat the oil in the pan over medium heat. Cook the garlic and cumin for 1 minute or until aromatic. Stir in the pumpkin. Use a wooden spoon to mash. Set aside to cool. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer the dip to a serving bowl. Cover and place in the fridge to chill.
We spent a lovely late afternoon baking the bread over the fire. Some tasted really good, some was a bit blackish haha. The banana leaves made great plates. And if it weren't for the sand flies, we might have stayed out a little longer :)
Monday, September 23, 2013
Anastassja is a crown-less Princess from a far away land in which it snows almost all year round. She loves running with the animals, looking for roots and nuts to eat, catching snow flakes with her tongue, building igloos, throwing snow balls at your back when you are not vigilant enough. She walks in her snow shoes, many many miles to visit her friends and to school and sometimes she needs to lie down for a rest, covering herself in her coat.
She is sharing her poem with you:
Winter's beauty comes again
As little stars of snow
Makes me happy there and then
Because this is the season I know.
I love to see the glistening trees
The mountains and the lakes
Oh how it makes me feel at ease
Everything is covered in white flakes.
The nose is cold, red are my hands
And yet I truly know
It is so peaceful in these lands
When winter comes and makes everything glow.
Nowhere do I feel at home
As in this whispering windy nest.
I'm running out and freely roam
Until it's time to come home rest.
I wish to find a family or friend
Where I can share my happy heart
Adventures and some time to spend
A new life, a new start ♥
Anastassja will be available in the "For the love of dolls" Hyena Cart store on the 25th at 11 am AEST.
My husband's sweet description of Anastassja:
Introducing Anastassja the snow princess (without a crown) from the magical playground of winterland. Her exotic looks and delicate appearance contrast against the bleak chill of her homeland. Her cheeky smile and flashing eyes the first clues of her wonderful being that easily melts the coolest of hearts. Adorable and cute Anastasia will endear you with her warmth and style as her dazzling beauty enchants and mesmerises you. She will show you loving kindness even while playfully lobbing snowballs at your back... When Anastasia is around the only sure thing is that laughter is not far away!
She is sharing her poem with you:
Winter's beauty comes again
As little stars of snow
Makes me happy there and then
Because this is the season I know.
I love to see the glistening trees
The mountains and the lakes
Oh how it makes me feel at ease
Everything is covered in white flakes.
The nose is cold, red are my hands
And yet I truly know
It is so peaceful in these lands
When winter comes and makes everything glow.
Nowhere do I feel at home
As in this whispering windy nest.
I'm running out and freely roam
Until it's time to come home rest.
I wish to find a family or friend
Where I can share my happy heart
Adventures and some time to spend
A new life, a new start ♥
Anastassja will be available in the "For the love of dolls" Hyena Cart store on the 25th at 11 am AEST.
My husband's sweet description of Anastassja:
Introducing Anastassja the snow princess (without a crown) from the magical playground of winterland. Her exotic looks and delicate appearance contrast against the bleak chill of her homeland. Her cheeky smile and flashing eyes the first clues of her wonderful being that easily melts the coolest of hearts. Adorable and cute Anastasia will endear you with her warmth and style as her dazzling beauty enchants and mesmerises you. She will show you loving kindness even while playfully lobbing snowballs at your back... When Anastasia is around the only sure thing is that laughter is not far away!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
So here are the Babies. In the shop now.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Holly is a 20" doll for this month's "For the love of dolls" upload on Hyena Cart.
Some friends and colleagues of mine are getting together every month and decide on a topic and make a doll each.
This months topic is "Old days, old ways"
And Holly is from the 1700/1800 settling aera, little prairie girl.
Monday, August 19, 2013

I felt like making some bags again and had these gorgeous fabrics with me here. I carried them all across the globe from Australia to Germany and now they are bags :)
Please visit my shop to have a closer look
Thursday, July 25, 2013
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