Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miss Lavinia Rose is in the shop now :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

 This week was quite an exciting week here in Brisbane. Lots of storm and tornado warnings, floods, no power, evacuations etc. Luckily apart from a bit of dirt and water in the backyard and a few short power failures, we are fine.

I managed to finish off some customs and make 3 dolls for the shop :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tahlia is in the shop now

Alice Mae is a custom

And Miss Leah sold this morning.

I finished these 3 dollies yesterday and today.
Now it is back to rolling heads for the next batch of dolls.
See you soon with more pictures :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

This sweetie is the first custom for the year. She will be a birthday present for a very special
girl in Australia :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Once there was a little girl who danced her way around the world smiling and trusting everyone she met wholeheartedly. She was loved and cared for by her parents and knew she was fine at all times. She could not understand separation and concepts of "different, strange, foreign etc." When the family went on holidays and they drove across the borders of countries she had no idea what they were talking about. "How is it that this is Germany and that is Austria? The trees look all the same". She was brought up to consider every being equal and look upon everyone with compassion and love. She trusted this teaching and felt safe in this world.
Her biggest wish was to learn every single language on this planet so that she could become friends with everyone. She got started on quite a few languages but learned soon, that a smile, a hug and a heart to heart connection does not require words.
She grew up and learned about differences, conditioning, opinions and world views but still, in her heart, she sees the unity in all the diversity. the one heart beat that keeps all creation alive, the one life that is all there is.

These dolls to me express this deep trust and connection, the beauty of diversity and difference which is only on the surface, really. The things that are similar in each and every one and unite are much more than the differences.
I had these dollies in my imagination for quite a while and i am so happy to see them here now.

I am overwhelmed with joy ♥

Theresa xx

These dollies will be in the shop at 9 am Brisbane time on the 10th of January 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

 At the moment I am working on these 12 sweet dollies.
It is a project that I had in my mind for quite a while and it is so beautiful to see them all coming to life.
They will turn around once they are dressed :)

On a different note, in our Aussie Waldorf doll group, we are having a photo challenge, taking one picture a day for the whole month of January, with a different topic every day.
I posted a set on my flickr page.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013