Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Belle Bazaar Market December 2011

 On the 4th of December we went to the Belle Bazaar Markets with our little stall.

The dolls came with for the first time.

A lot of people looked at them, took them in their arms and dropped them a bit terrified when they looked at the prices.

The how and why of the costs are explained in the FAQ section.

 Any "hardcore waldorf doll admirer" will know that my dolls are in the lower price range of dolls available out there.

I chatted to some lovely people, sold a few things and Miss A. had a great time playing with the market stall holder and visitor kids, getting her face painted, eating poffertjes and feeding the farm animals.
 The bassinette hadd to come as well!

I also took my www.samu.com.au goodies with me.

Turtles, horses, dolphins and elephants.