One of my favourite Childhood stories by Erich Kaestner: Lottie and Lisa meet at summer camp one summer. Soon they find out that they are identical twins. When their parents separated, they took one child each with them. Lisa grew up with her dad and is a bit of a wild child whereas Lottie is very well mannered and helps her mom where she can at home. The girls want to get to know their other parent and so they switch roles at the end of the summer. Lisa lives with her mum and Lottie gets to know her dad. Both parents are surprised about the changes in their child after their return from summer camp. When Lottie finds out that her dad wants to remarry, she gets very sick and Lisa and her mum are coming to see her. The parents find out that the girls met at summer camp, everyone is happy and the parents fall in love again ♥ Lottie and Lisa are very happy together but they will be fine in separate homes as well :)