Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Around the house

 No news from the doll front today (apart from Sarah being posted today) and a custom owl that I finished for SaMu,

so I thought I take some pictures of our yard that I love so much and that my husband so lovingly tends to.

Here is a palm tree with the sky greeting it.
 The sunflowers my husband and daughter put into the ground, came up tall and bright.
 My favorite tree: frangipani. i love the scent.
 and a closer look
the trees and the bicycle hire van of my husband in the background (www.brisbanebicyclehire.com)
 the buddha head greets the visitors.
enter in peace and happiness :)
and the back yard with the trampolin, the huge macadamia nut tree, the basketball hoop and the guinea pigs (not in the pic)

Wishing you a stress-free week leading up to christmas!
